Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Justice. seriously, you can dance to it

As a music listener I might be guilty of liking too much of everything. Miley Cyrus's 7 Things? Catchy. Mmmbop? Delicious. Heck I even dig the newest Lil'Wayne cd. So when I got into Justice, a French electronic duo that rips the pants off of dancers, my roomates tossed it aside as another one of my fad bands. What they didn't know was that my speakers overpowered paper thin walls.

The thing is they love it now. When we're playing smash brothers alone on a friday night we're rocking Justice in our boxers.

So yes, it is kinda like techno, and yes it isn't for everyone, but I really think you might get into it if you give it a chance.

Plus their live show looks ridiculous...If only I lived in europe

Go here to listen to Justice.
Go here to read Justice trying to do an interview in english
Go here to check out Justice's next release


TheMostModestMouse said...

Justice...more like daft punk wannabes. They just ramble together a bunch of incoherent monotonous beats and most of the time without lyrics. If you want to listen to good music check out "fly trapped in a jar" by modest mouse.

Theodore Lockhart said...

Modest Mouse...more like Built to Spill wannabees. They just have crashing repeating riffs with nonsensical lyrics. If you want good music check out "Symphony No.5" by Beethoven.

Kelsey @ Pinegate Road said...

LOVE Justice! Too bad I didn't get to see them while I was in Europe :(

Play nice TC.

TheMostModestMouse said...

Symphony No. 5, good one. Is that something you downloaded to make yourself seem more worldly and make it seem as if you are extremely broad in your musical tastes? I think so ;). Repeating riffs and nonsensical lyrics, hmmm? Remind you of anyone? Oh yeah your post was about Justice ;).