Monday, August 25, 2008

What's Next...?

I'm not going to lie. I used to be a huge Fall Out Boy fan. I know they don't have a very good rep anymore, but those who judged the band off of their hit, "Sugar, We're Going Down" and automatically hated them from that point on, don't know the half of it. One of my favorite cds I own was put out far before that over-played, bad single hit the charts. "Take This To Your Grave" was a really solid album. After the boys put that cd out, their sound shifted to one that would better fit into the pop genre...and that's when it all started going downhill.

The former diehard fans died off, when more and more teenagers decided to wear skinny jeans and paint their nails black and call themselves Fall Out Boy fans. Their songs had a changed sound and their fame skyrocketed, making their name recognizable to many. When I was asked what my favorite band was in 2004, I would say Fall Out Boy; and no one would know what I was talking about. After their single hit the charts and put Fall Out Boy in the top ten, I was almost embrassed to say I had ever liked them in the first place. The controversial part about this shift in sound was when people started to call FOB sell outs.

What are all of your thoughts? What constitutes selling out? Is it really our place to say that a band is selling out? Maybe they just decided to change their style and finally got noticed...

Fall Out Boy's new cd, "Folie a Deux," hits the shelves November 4th.

1 comment:

Theodore Lockhart said...

great post rachel!

first off i think that fall out boy fans couldn't wear skinny jeans if they wanted to since most of the girls push 200 pounds

second i loved take this to your grave and will always have a place for the album

and third? i think selling out is a conscious effort to stage the music you put out. it doesn't always have to be the purest form of art or super indie credible but you should represent what you make.

under that definition i think they are safe from the sell out tag