As my friends, colleagues, and acquaintances surely know, I have more than a tiny hetero-non-sexual-man-crush on James Franco. It all started with his portrayal of Daniel Dasario in Judd Apatow's Freaks and Geeks and an award winning performance for his James Dean biopic, and the lust/love has just never stopped. His new movie Pineapple Express continues the love. Now while the SCOPE blog's primary purpose is to keep you all posted on happenings in the music world, a little pop culture couldn't hurt. So here is the next installment in Judd Apatow's guaranteed blockbusters (following Knocked Up and Superbad), a stoner comedy featuring Freaks and Geeks alums Seth Rogen and James Franco. The plot follows Seth and James' characters as they....well....I guess the plot isn't really that important. Hearing pudgy white people say things like "thug life" and listening to James Franco list the ways their hiding spot could be discovered (heat seeking missiles, bloodhounds, foxes, and baracudas) is probably all the convincing you need. Watch the red band trailer here.
I have actually heard the rumor floating around that a one Jimmy Franco (friends usually add a 'y' to the ends of each other's names) will be attending our very own university of iowa (writer's workshop).
Now, even if this is not entirely accurate I feel it is a rumor that is definitely worth propagating.
Not to rudely correct, but speaking to the prof of the class (a fiction writing class of the Workshop) at the Java House above Prairie Lights, 2.5 weeks ago, James Franco stepped into the class of that prof earlier that day. And though the topic of discussion during class curiously became related to cinematography and films, James Franco "apparently" looked like he didn't give a shit. The prof spoke with Franco after class, Franco asked him a few questions in regard to the program. Based on the reaction and "aura" of the conversation between Franco and the professor, the prof's opinion is that Franco's going to take his admittance into Columbia U in NYC, get a cute little flat, and never come to Iowa again.
I look like an assssssack from this comment. But I'm not. I promise. I'm just overzealous.
LOL mancrush! James Franco may be having fanboys on Johnny Depp/Bruce Campbell and dare I say it, Chuck Norris proportions. wow
This is what I think: James Franco
So cute, but ... Insomniac James Franco
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