Thursday, April 3, 2008

Concert Reviews To Come...

Lots of stuff going on in the lives of the SCOPErs these next few weeks, so expect lots of treats, such as concert reviews, pictures, etc. The madness will start tonight with quite a few of your favorite bloggers heading to Davenport to catch Mission Creek's Spoon/Walkmen/White Rabbits satellite show (expect a review and, if I can stuff a camera next to my junk, some pics). We'll have a spy or two checking out the Western Front/Evangelicals show tonight and the Cursive show tomorrow, so expect some stuff on that. And we'll definitely (and obviously) have many things to say about the Bon Iver show at the Black Box in the IMU on Saturday, and I sure will feel sorry for the suckers that miss out on that one. On top of that, yours truly and some others will be checking out Fleet Foxes next week, and then there's the onslaught of our own shows that we'll be reporting on (Counting Crows, Switchfoot/Athlete/Emery, OK Go, and Quietdrive). Lot to look forward to. So be sure to grab tickets to ALL the Mission Creek Festival shows and the many SCOPE shows coming up. We hope to see y'all soon.

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