Have you ever been driving in your car, when out of nowhere a song comes over the radio and you think to yourself “Gosh, this sounds just like Chris's smile" or ”OMG, This was on the soundtrack to the first movie me and Bobby ever saw together!" (I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry)
Being a thoughtful person, your first impulse is to make them a mix tape of your favorite "Jams." But then your conscience comes into play. You remember that some people take this simple, kind gesture the "wrong way." So you don’t burn the CD, and forever wonder "what if?"
Well I’m here to tell you that’s stupid!
If you have a great idea for a mix tape for your bud, then you make that fucking mix tape!
Being a thoughtful person, your first impulse is to make them a mix tape of your favorite "Jams." But then your conscience comes into play. You remember that some people take this simple, kind gesture the "wrong way." So you don’t burn the CD, and forever wonder "what if?"
Well I’m here to tell you that’s stupid!
If you have a great idea for a mix tape for your bud, then you make that fucking mix tape!
So what? Let people talk!
It’s no big deal, that’s just what BFFs do. It's fun, it’s totally natural, and every time he plays it in his shower cd player, he'll be thinking of you! Let me give you an example. My friend who shall remain nameless, we'll just call him Jackbarf, was feeling really down. He just wasn’t being himself. I knew what I had to do. That day I put together the mix tape to end all mix tapes. We’re talkin Skynyrd, Stones, Styx, and of course The Boss! That night we were all at a party, when all of a sudden I cut the music and put in the Jams. As soon as the intro to “Thunderstruck” came on, I jumped up on a table, ripped of my shirt and said “This is me JackBarf! Take it or Leave it!”
Needless to say the rest of the party wasn’t very impressed, (Pshh. This isn’t the 1950’s people!) But I could tell it made all the difference to Jackbarf!
What’s that you say? You have a few good songs in mind, but lack the depth of music knowledge to really flesh out a “Zach Braff worthy" soundtrack to your best bro's life? Well! Look no further my friend. Follow these simple steps and your on your way to brightening ya boys day!
Step 1. Consider your intended audience. Surely there’s no point in making a mix of your favorite “songs to sleep to” if your friends an insomniac! Likewise, choose an eclectic mix of familiar and unfamiliar songs that you feel fit your BFF’s style.
Step 2. Consider if you want the mix to convey a certain message. To do this, Focus on a common theme or genre. For example, a mix tape that circles around the theme of “friendship” can really have an emotional crescendo with classic hits like “graduation song” or Green days’ “Time of your life” (WOW. Gettin a little choked up just thinking about it…..)_
Step 3. Figure out the track order. Rearrange. Revise. Repeat until your songs flow like the mighty Mississippi! I cant stress how important this step is. Did you know The Libertines split up over a track listing dispute between Pete Doherty and the rest of the band!? Pete realized you’re CD needs to be a journey. So grab your friends hand and take him on a rollercoaster ride of emotions and memories!
Step 4. Cover Art. This is where you let your creative flare shine! Choose unique patterns and fonts to show your friends you care. Inside jokes are also totally acceptable. Like this one time Jackbarf and I stayed up all night eating Ben and Jerry’s so we nicknamed each other after our favorite flavors. On the mix tape I gave him it said:
To: Chunky Monkey
From: Chubby Hubby
The best time to give a friend a mix tape is all the time. So jump on your computer, and let the mixin begin!
It’s no big deal, that’s just what BFFs do. It's fun, it’s totally natural, and every time he plays it in his shower cd player, he'll be thinking of you! Let me give you an example. My friend who shall remain nameless, we'll just call him Jackbarf, was feeling really down. He just wasn’t being himself. I knew what I had to do. That day I put together the mix tape to end all mix tapes. We’re talkin Skynyrd, Stones, Styx, and of course The Boss! That night we were all at a party, when all of a sudden I cut the music and put in the Jams. As soon as the intro to “Thunderstruck” came on, I jumped up on a table, ripped of my shirt and said “This is me JackBarf! Take it or Leave it!”
Needless to say the rest of the party wasn’t very impressed, (Pshh. This isn’t the 1950’s people!) But I could tell it made all the difference to Jackbarf!
What’s that you say? You have a few good songs in mind, but lack the depth of music knowledge to really flesh out a “Zach Braff worthy" soundtrack to your best bro's life? Well! Look no further my friend. Follow these simple steps and your on your way to brightening ya boys day!
Step 1. Consider your intended audience. Surely there’s no point in making a mix of your favorite “songs to sleep to” if your friends an insomniac! Likewise, choose an eclectic mix of familiar and unfamiliar songs that you feel fit your BFF’s style.
Step 2. Consider if you want the mix to convey a certain message. To do this, Focus on a common theme or genre. For example, a mix tape that circles around the theme of “friendship” can really have an emotional crescendo with classic hits like “graduation song” or Green days’ “Time of your life” (WOW. Gettin a little choked up just thinking about it…..)_
Step 3. Figure out the track order. Rearrange. Revise. Repeat until your songs flow like the mighty Mississippi! I cant stress how important this step is. Did you know The Libertines split up over a track listing dispute between Pete Doherty and the rest of the band!? Pete realized you’re CD needs to be a journey. So grab your friends hand and take him on a rollercoaster ride of emotions and memories!
Step 4. Cover Art. This is where you let your creative flare shine! Choose unique patterns and fonts to show your friends you care. Inside jokes are also totally acceptable. Like this one time Jackbarf and I stayed up all night eating Ben and Jerry’s so we nicknamed each other after our favorite flavors. On the mix tape I gave him it said:
To: Chunky Monkey
From: Chubby Hubby
The best time to give a friend a mix tape is all the time. So jump on your computer, and let the mixin begin!
very, very wise.
this is why i miss you so much.
haha i love this.
this made my day, even without a mix tape!!!
hahahaha i can't get over this
Wow Willie, you are wise beyond your years.
Stay golden, ponyboy.
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