No, I'm not talking about my first time with a woman (I'm still awaiting that fateful event). I'm talking about my first time seeing a music video...ever. Or at least the first video I remember seeing. And boy, was it a doozy. Now, for the most part, nobody questions the Beatles' greatness as a cohesive musical unit. However, some of their individual musical (mis)adventures may lead the listener to believe that the whole was quite a bit greater than the sum of its respective parts. This argument could be made about George Harrison's 1987 album "Cloud 9." And although it could be made, I would not make it. I liked the album and I loved this video. It had everything I want in a video: back flips and dancing furniture. I am proud to say that George Harrison and a singing taxidermic boar head accompanied me on one of the landmark moments in my musical development. I dedicate this to tonight's dream girl, the one whose glazed over eyes I will peer deep into come barclose, and slur the words "I've got my mind set on you."
My absolute favorite part of that music video (work of art) has to be the squirrel playing the saxophone (pipe) ... genius and classic all rolled into one.
Thank you for that ... i needed it as i sit alone, on this most horrific and cruel of "holidays," longing for my Jake Ryan to walk into my life.
This was my first time too...maybe we lost it together???
Little tidbit: The album name for this album "Cloud Nine" is a tribute to John Lennon, who had an obsession with the number 9.
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