Wednesday, April 23, 2008

GRANDstand? Try SUCKstand.

The Iowa State Fair announced the acts that will perform at the grandstand this summer. The line up sucks, see for yourself here. Sorry, but a couple High School Musical alums and a Christian music star do not constitute must-see concerts. Judging by the comments left on the article, I feel like the public agrees with my opinion. I especially love: "I'm gonna get crazy at the Garrison Keillor show. My bra will be going up on stage." Yes for another Iowan who appreciates irony.

Rick Springfield will be mildly entertaining only because the audience is bound to be drunk forty something housewives who wished they were "Jessie's Girl" in high school. I'm lying, I've seen Rick Springfield in concert and the audience WAS drunk forty something housewives who wished they were "Jessie's Girl" in high school.

Back in the day when I was attending Iowa State Fair Grandstand concerts, it was to see acts like Christina Aguilera, 98 Degrees, Sugar Ray and Smash Mouth. At least these performers were legitimate in the sense that they all had current mainstream radio popularity at the times of their concerts. From the looks of the schedule, August 16th is still to be announced. Here's to Chris Daughtry...and the grandstand officially hitting rock bottom.


katie. said...
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Anonymous said...


Try "Family Friendlystand"

Sounds like a great line up for
me and my family for once!

:) - Marleah

Bennett said...

hey now, that charlie daniels band...
err... cinderella...
err... tracy-

oh who am i kidding. this is the epitome of a weak lineup.